Thursday, August 29, 2013

Model of Cognitive Development

Developmental theory has little more give guidance to all stakeholders of education, especially education practitioners, on the development of a person through which students and every student is different in terms of cognitive development that is likely influenced by factors such as their internal and external talent, environment, food, intelligence, and so on.

Cognitive is one realm in educational taxonomy. In general, cognitive intellectual potential is defined which consists of four stages: knowledge (knowledge), understanding (comprehention), the application (the Application), analysis (analysis), synthesis (sinthesis), evaluation (evaluation). Significant cognitive issues related to the ability to develop reasoning skills (intellect).

1. According to Piaget we adjust ourselves in two ways asimiliasi and accommodation. Assimilation occurs when individuals incorporate new information into their existing knowledge. While accommodation is occurs when individuals adjust to the new information
2. According to Vygotsky believes that learning occurs when students are working on tasks that have not been studied, but the tasks were still within the range of abilities or tasks that are within the zone of proximal development (zone of proximal development)
3. According to Bruner learning occurs is determined by means of a set of messages or information and is not determined by a person's age and learning process through the three stages defined by the way he saw namely enaktif environment, iconic and symbolic.

A teacher must be able to read the talent, intelligence or behavior of the learner. Because it will menentuk next step, where if the teacher already knows the talent and intelligence of the students, the teacher will be able to develop the students in accordance with their respective bakatnyaa. Cognitive development benefits for educators and education because of where they can monitor the progress of learners.

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