Thursday, August 29, 2013

Type of Educational Program

Type of education is based on the specificity of group education goals an education units ( Law no. 20 of 2003 Chapter 1 Article 1, Section 9 ) .

General Education
Public education is education that promotes the expansion of the knowledge and skills of learners with pengukhususan are realized at the end of the level level of education . General education serves as a unit umumbag other types of education . Which includes public education is elementary , junior high , high school and university .

Vocational Education
Vocational education is an education that prepares students to be able to work in certain occupations , such as engineering , catering , clothing , and others. Educational institutions such as STM , SMEA .

Extraordinary Education
Exceptional education is organized for special education students who bears physical abnormalities and / or mental . Which include exceptional education is SDLB , for secondary education each have a special program which is a program for blind children , deaf , and physically disabled as well as mental retardation .

Service Education
Service education is a professional education organized by departments or non - departmental government agency . Service education works to increase the capacity and skills in the execution of official duties for state employees and prospective employees of a department or non - departmental government agency . Which includes service education such as STAN , STIS , IPDN , and so on .

Religious education

Religious education is special education that prepares students to be able to carry out the role that demands mastery of specific knowledge about religion . Religious education consists of elementary education , secondary education , and higher education . Which includes the basic level eg MI , secondary education as a high level of MTs and is IAIN .

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