Thursday, August 29, 2013

Types, Functions, and Indicators Motivation

Types and Function Motivation to Learn

Types of motivation in learning can be divided into two types, respectively:
1. Intrinsic Motivation and
2. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is initiated and continued learning activities, based on appreciation and encouragement is something absolutely needs related to learning activities, such as learning because they want to master a concept or learn to be a doctor.

Extrinsic motivation is a learning activity that grows from a person needs encouragement and not absolutely related to their own learning activities. For example, to learn because they want to get a rank in order to get a gift from his parents.

Function motivated by Oemar Hamalik in Martinis Yamin (2006: 170) include the following:

1. Encourage a behavior or action. Without motivation it will not arise sesutau act as learning.
2. Motivation serves as a director. Means to lead acts kepencapaian desired goal.
3. Serves as the driving motivation. The level of motivation will determine fast or slow a job.

The role of motivation in learning and teaching by Hamzah B. Uno (2006: 27) is

1. Role in determining the reinforcement learning motivation.
2. Clarify the role of motivation in learning objectives
3. Motivation determines learn perseverance.

Indicators of Learning Motivation

Nature of motivation to learn is internal and external encouragement to students who are learning to make changes in behavior, in general, with some indicators that support.

Schunk and Zimmerman (2009: 1) argues: "Among the source of motivation are: interests, self-efficacy, Volition, task values​​, confidence in learning, outcome expectancy and future time perspective".

Above opinion explaining the motivation can be seen from: interest, self-reliance, willingness, test scores, confidence in learning, results orientation, and views of the future.

Hamzah B. Uno (2006: 23) classifies indicators of motivation as follows:
1. The existence of desire and succeed.
2. Lack of motivation and learning needs.
3. Of hope and ideals of the future.
4. The appreciation of learning.
5. Kegiataan existence of interest in learning.
6. The existence of a conducive learning environment, thus enabling a student can learn well.

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