Showing posts with label English Article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Article. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

Character Education Role In Completing Personality

In the beginning, man was born just took "personality" or personality. In general, there are four kinds of human personality and there are a lot of theories that use different terms even use color, but the pattern remains the same. In general there are 4 personality, namely:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Learning Resources

Learning resources is defined as anything that can be used to facilitate learning . Association of Educational Communications and Technology ( AECT , 1977) classifies these learning resources into two , namely : resources by design ( designed learning resources ) and resources by utilization ( learning resources utilized ) 

Designed learning resources learning resources means that deliberately planned for purposes of learning , for example : textbooks , modules , Student Worksheet ( LKS ) . Learning resources are utilized everything that has unfolded around us , and can be used for learning purposes . Example : banks , courts , markets , museums , zoos , environment , everything that is not designed for learning , because it is already available , staying utilized .

Cultural Basis of Education

Culture can be formed, preserved, or developed for and through education. Both tangible cultural ideal, or behavior and technology can be realized through the education process. Kabudayaan, that does not go away should be passed on to the next generation. Inheritance of culture can be informal, non-formal and formal. Informal occurs in the family, in society, while informal formal through specialized agencies, such as education.

In the primitive society, transmission occurs in informal education and non-formal, whereas in developed societies, use of social institutions, particularly schools. Education in schools is not only used to transmit culture, but is also used to transform the culture to fit with the times. In other words, schools perform a dual function, namely the process of socialization and education as an agent of renewal.

National culture as the foundation of the National Education System (Education)
It has been explained above that the Indonesian society is pluralistic form a government's efforts in the field of education. One of the adjustments made to the school track educational background Sosbud diversity in Indonesia is the local charge in the implementation of the school curriculum. Even in recent years, the education should be pursued in order to foster student interest in the environment. With the local content into the curriculum in schools, is expected to not only make the students more interested in the culture, but can also upgrade local skills (carve, paint, etc.)

Psychological Foundation of Education

Understanding of Psychological Foundation

Understanding of learners, primarily related to the psychological aspects, is one key to educational success. Therefore, the results of psychological studies and the discovery of much needed application in the field of education, especially knowledge about personal aspects, sequence, characteristic growth in every aspect, and the concept of the best ways to develop it. So it is with students who have talents, abilities, interests, strengths and developments to differ between individuals with one another. As implikasinta, education is not possible to treat every student the same. To that end, the preparation of the curriculum needs to be careful in setting up a program.

Contribution of Education to Development

Contibution education to development, can be seen from various aspects, including:

1. In terms of Education Goals

Education is a conscious effort aimed at learners in order to become a man of strong personality and high moral standing and intact. So the goal of education is the realization of human image image of man who can be a human resource development.

Title... Less World of Meaning

Once again, Indonesia faced in the case that tarnished the name of education. Case of
selling is practiced by IMGI title. How to obtain this degree is very easy, you just put up 10-25 million, and you can title you want .. Just choose ... whether S1, S2, or S3 .... totally crazy! Most people will value a degree intoxicated intoxicating. And not half-hearted ever buy title of this IMGI ... about 5000 people.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Model of Cognitive Development

Developmental theory has little more give guidance to all stakeholders of education, especially education practitioners, on the development of a person through which students and every student is different in terms of cognitive development that is likely influenced by factors such as their internal and external talent, environment, food, intelligence, and so on.

Cognitive is one realm in educational taxonomy. In general, cognitive intellectual potential is defined which consists of four stages: knowledge (knowledge), understanding (comprehention), the application (the Application), analysis (analysis), synthesis (sinthesis), evaluation (evaluation). Significant cognitive issues related to the ability to develop reasoning skills (intellect).

The Basic Principles of Islamic Education

Principles derived from the principle that meaningful origin, basic, basic principles as the views and beliefs, such as the establishment of opinionated, has a strong base or principles. The basic principle can be interpreted, the principal or the base (something the opinion rule and so on). Thus the basic principles of Islamic education means a basic overview of the main things that it becomes a source of concepts, values ​​and principles of Islamic education building.

Types, Functions, and Indicators Motivation

Types and Function Motivation to Learn

Types of motivation in learning can be divided into two types, respectively:
1. Intrinsic Motivation and
2. Extrinsic Motivation

Understanding of Learning

Learning as an academic course, we are already familiar with the term, but what exactly is "learning" it?? Well, let's discuss in this article:

According Isjoni (2007: 11) learning is something that is done by the students, not made ​​for students. Meanwhile, according to Saiful Sagala (2005: 61) that "Learning means any activity that is designed to help a person learn something and the ability or the new value".

Education Qualification Based on the Law of Natioal Education System

Line of Education

According to Law no. 20 of 2003 chapter VI article 13 paragraph 1, line consists of formal education, non-formal, and informal can complement and enrich each other. Formal education is a structured educational pathways and tiered consisting of elementary education, secondary education, and higher education. Non-formal education is the path of education outside the formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered. Informal education is the family education and environmental pathways.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Islamic Philosophy of Education

As mentioned earlier, the educational philosophy is a very important screen for selecting and eliminating educational objectives. During this section, 3 vital parts which can be found necessary ingredients within the whole formulation of the philosophy of islamic education - namely, learner, knowledge, and suggests that of instruction - will certainly be discussed briefly.

Friday, August 23, 2013

At Home, Try to Write some Article

If you do in fact need to be able to write articles direct from comfort of your apartment, it’ll not be arduous once you take advantage of online resources. You may realize several places who may be fascinated by content and it’s not more difficult to use these services to start out to be revealed allow me out to share a few guidelines for article writing that you could realie helpful.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

An Educational Approach

Developed by italian educator and doctor maria montessori, the montessori model of education relies on respect to produce a childs natural psychological development. Its estimated that there will be a little more than 20, 000 montessori schools worldwide, with students ranging from infant age to eighteen years of age. A montessori education emphasizes a childs social development as abundant as his tutorial development, and this aims to assist a toddler build independence and practical skills at intervals a supportive framework that respects every students individual growth rates. Students are checked out as whole people the physical and therefor the emotional are as vital as their cognitive development.