In the beginning, man was born just took "personality" or personality. In general, there are four kinds of human personality and there are a lot of theories that use different terms even use color, but the pattern remains the same. In general there are 4 personality, namely:
1. Choleric: This type is characterized by personal likes independence, assertive, fiery, like a challenge, the boss himself.
2. Sanguine: This type of love characterized by a practical matter, always happy and cheerful, like surprises, love the social activities and have fun.
3. Phlegmatic: This type of love is characterized by collaboration, avoid conflict, do not like the sudden change, a good interlocutor, like a sure thing.
4. Melancholy: This type is characterized by love with the details, save anger, Perfection, like clear instructions, well-liked routines.
On top of this is the classical theory and the theory is now growing a lot, and is still widely used as an assay to measure human potential.
Personality is not a character. Everyone has a different personality. Well from 4 to the personality, the personality each has drawbacks and advantages of each. For example, type koleris identical with those who speak "rude" and sometimes it does not matter, which is often difficult personal sanguine invited to serious, often times the hard invited Phlegmatic definite step and impress passive, melancholy stuck with a personal dilemma "yes" mouthfeel and "no" hearts, and tend perfectionis in detail the lives and this is what sometimes makes others quite the rush.
Every man can not choose his personality, personality is a gift from God as the creator of human beings are born. And every person who has no definite personality weaknesses and strengths in aspects of social life and each individual. Easy yes, this explanation.
Well, his character where? When each man learns to overcome his weaknesses and fix bugs and bring new positive habits then this is called the character. For example, a pure koleris but very polite in expression and instructions to others, a sanguine able to bring herself to be in a serious situation that needs peace and attention focus. That is character. Character education is the provision of views on various types of life values, such as honesty, intelligence, and other concerns. And it is the choice of each individual who needs to be developed and needs in community development, from an early age (ideally).
Character can not be inherited, the character can not be bought and character can not be exchanged. Characters must be consciously built and developed day by day through a PROCESS that is not instant. Character is not something innate that can not be changed anymore like fingerprints.
I noticed that many people with bad characters tend to blame their circumstances. They often claim that they raised the wrong way, financial difficulties, treatment of others or other conditions that make them like this now. It is true that in life, we have to face a lot of things beyond our control, but your character is not. Your character is always the result of your choice.
Know that you have the potential to become a person of character, Seek it. Character, more than anything and will make you a person who has added value. Character will protect everything you value in life.
Each person is responsible for his character. You have full control over your character, meaning you can not blame others for your bad character because you are entirely responsible. Developing character is your personal RESPONSIBILITY.
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